Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer time

I officially love being married to a teacher in the summer! Devon still goes into work everyday (seriously, I was never that dedicated of a teacher!), but we get to see a lot more of him. Actually, he stays home with the boys on Tuesday because the library is open all day. One Tuesday Devon and Spencer planted an egg carton garden (I thought mom's were the creative ones!)

The weather has been great here (especially after Texas heat). It has been breezy with thunderstorms in the evening, so that is nice.

Devon brought back some of his "muscle men" from Texas. Like father like son. I did not even know what these things were, but Spencer LOVES playing with them. Yesterday when I got back from the library Devon and Spencer had set up a shooting range and were shooting these guys with Spencer's nerf gun. Spencer is defiantly Devon's boy, and they both have a great imagination!

This is Spencer helping Daddy pick peaches down in the garden. He has his backpack on because he was going on a trip to Argentina. That is where my brother is going on his mission, so Spencer is quite often going on a mission there, his missions are usually more like Little Einsteins missions though.

Just some cute pictures of the boys.

Here are some fun videos. These boys always keep me laughing.
James is singing eiei to Old MacDonald. He actually sings that to any song.

You never know what to expect with Spencer.

1 comment:

Deon Christensen said...

looks like Spencer made a shank. He's now officially ready for jail. Ha ha, he is so creative. I love how little boys can make anything into a knife, gun or a super hero cape.