Thursday, July 1, 2010

James Birthday

James is 1 year old. I cannot believe time has gone so fast. He is such a fun baby. He loves to do whatever Spencer is doing. He has started imataing sounds, his current favorites are "uh-oh" and "e-i-e-i" (like e-i-e-i-o). He will not let you hold his hands to walk around, but he does walk around furniture. I think one day he will just decide to walk and do it. We need to take a video of him playing peek-a-boo, it's so cute.
Anyway, we had an early party for James in Texas so we could celebrate with family. i made farm animal cupcakes since he got a Little People Farm for his birthday- thanks to Kelsey for finding such a great deal!

James was not to sure about opening the presents, but he liked playing with them.

We had some cheap dollar store hats- they lasted about 2 minutes, but they were cute!

So after all that work on the cupcakes James would not eat it. He had a fun time playing with it though! He did eat ice cream- so I guess he is not completely crazy!

On Jame's actual birthday we had a few neighbors over for ice cream- no cake this time. James loved the ice cream cone, and the attention!

Happy Birthday James! We are so glad you are in our family!


Mackenzie said...

Happy Birthday James! Those cupcakes turned out so cute! Good Work.

The Clifts said...

You did do a really good job on the cupcakes. They were super cute. I'm so glad we got to spend James' birthday with you guys.