Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Riverhouse

So about a year and a half ago we tried to drive to this ruin called "THe Riverhouse" on the San Juan river. It was summer and we had to go across+ a lot of washes. We got close, but didn't trust our car over a particularly tricky spot and didn't have time to hike since it was getting cloudy and we didn't want to camp, so we didn't see it. Over President's Day we tried again. The washes were dry, but really sandy which made it even more challenging as far as the offroading goes. We got to the same spot and parked, but Kelsey has a cooler car than us, so we piled in her car and drove the last less than a mile to the ruin. It was amazing. I figured people were exaggerating, but it was really neat, especially since it is all original and not rebuilt like in Mesa Verde- although those are cool too.
James is inside of a kiva
There were a lot of hieroglyphs, snakes, hands, goats, spirals

Carrie's hair always sticks up like this, I think she looks like a Cupie doll.
This was a storage place a little way down the trail.
Amazing, right? 

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