Monday, January 27, 2014

January Happenings and Carrie Walking

 Devon took Spencer and James on a walk last Sunday.  I love this picture because they are both smiling and looking at the camera (truly a rare moment), and Spencer is carrying a bear and James a truck, very usual occurrence.

 Spencer made a bow and arrow and decided he wanted to be cupid, he gets some interesting ideas.

 Carrie started walking at exactly 11 months (a good 3 months earlier than Spencer, and 7 months earlier than James), on Jan 21.  She thinks she is so cute, probably because everyone tells her she is quite often.
 She is also very curious and into everything.  Whoever told me toddler girls are easier never met this girl, I think I'll be running after this one.

1 comment:

Carrie Gosney said...

The picture of Carrie on the dishwasher door is a classic. Such happy children.