Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Robert's reunion

In the end of July we went back up north for some reunions. My grandma had a reunion, but somehow we have no pictures of that. We had a great time at a park playing with cousins, singing old songs and looking at old picture albums. James continues to sing "Ghost Chickens in the Sky" almost daily and we found out that Carrie looks a lot like my Aunt Randa when she was a baby. That evening we went to Devon's reunion in Mt. Pleasant. Everyone stayed together at the top of this mountain in a huge cabin (I don't know if you could call it a cabin, it was nicer than most houses). We had a great time, and somehow we have more than 800 pictures of this reunion- so you can guess who takes the pictures in our family.
One favorite activity is for all the boys to go shooting.   About 400 pictures are of this, they look mostly the same, so I just chose one.
We went swimming at an overpriced pool, but Spencer had a good time.
James warmed up to the water when he found a friend, thanks Annika
We did "family Olympics" which Spencer loved participating in.

I think James favorite part of the reunion were the "dance parties"  There was a huge theater room with a projector and a great sound system so all of the little cousins (second cousins maybe?) loved to come down and dance.  James learned many new moves at the family dance contest.

Carrie did not sleep much in the day, but slept great at night in her car seat.  She slept in he car seat fora bout 2 weeks straight, I was worried she would never sleep in a crib, but she prefers her crib now.
Here is Carrie with her cousin- okay Devon's cousins daughter, Korey.  They are one day apart.  Carrie learned many tricks from Korey and started rolling everywhere after she saw Korey do it.  She also told me she is jealous of Korey's beautiful hair.
We had a great time and it was a good break, we got home and moved the next day and then moved 2-3 families per day after that for a few days.  Someday we'll be all unpacked.

1 comment:

Carrie Gosney said...

Why didn't anyone invite me to the dance parties? (Maybe it was because I was asleep. But just maybe.)