Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Lately I have been thinking about how grateful I am to live here in Monument Valley.  Over the summer I think we gave some friends and family the idea that we don't like it here, but that really is not true.  There are two things that make it hard to me to live here, our small apartment and the lack of produce available, but I think any place will have a least 2 drawbacks.  I love many things about Monument Valley.  I love the weather, warm, but usually not hot and almost always sunny.  When it does rain the storms are amazing!  I love the people here.  We have been sad many times to see dear friends move and we miss them, but we always get to make new friends and that is great.  I love that my kids always have friends to play with.  When my sister came last week she said "It's like raising your kids in the 50's"  it's true, where else on earth can you let your kids play outside with the neighbors all the time?  Devon loves his job.  It has been especially challenging this year to get used to a new principal and take on the new huge responsibility of Athletic Director- but I know we are supposed to be here and these opportunities for Devon are a big reason.  I love the flea market.  I rarely buy new clothes or toys thanks to hand me downs and a great flea market with nice shirts for 25 cents.  Also, I love the scenery.  People travel from other countries to see what I get to see everyday.  We discover a new amazing place often.  This picture was taken at some sand dunes that we just found a few weeks ago.  I think this really is the perfect place for our family right now and I am truly happy to be here.

1 comment:

Carrie Gosney said...

I've always known that Monument Valley is a special place for your family. Carrie is getting to be so grown up.