Thursday, March 21, 2013

when Carrie was born

So I wanted to record the birth story, of sorts.  It wasn't too exciting, but I think that is a good thing.  So when I went to my 36 week doctor's appointment I was very swollen.  I have never had a problem with this before, but I really wasn't too concerned.  My blood pressure was very high- somewhere close to 150/95- I don't really remember because before this the numbers meant nothing to me.  The nurses seemed very worried, but the doctor seemed to be quite calm (since then I have realized that's just his personality, which is a good thing in a doctor).  Anyway, I had gained like 7 pounds in 2 weeks in water weight.  The doctor gave me an antibiotic and had me do some tests at home.  A nurse told me to go home and lay down and stay down as much as possible.  When I came back 2 days later I had lost almost 5 of those pounds in water weight- yes I went to the bathroom a lot.  Unfortunately my blood pressure was still very high, so he said we would be delivering earlier than expected.  I went to get an ultrasound at the hospital, but I had to wait for 4 hours for an appointment.  Luckily there are some people (the Adams) who were in our branch when we were in Mexican Hat who let me and two crazy boys come stay at their house.  They fed us lunch and even watched the boys while I got the ultrasound.  I hope I can grow up to be as giving as them.  The ultrasound said I was 37 weeks along and the baby was healthy and 7 pounds, all good news for an early delivery.  The doctor said we will wait for the test results, but probably deliver sometime the next week.  Thankfully my mom was able to change her plans and come a week early.  I am so glad she came before we actually had the baby.  So the test came back positive for pre-eclamsia and we scheduled the delivery for early Thursday morning.  At this hospital they have you come in the day before to do blood work and get some "instruction."  So Devon and I went up on Wednesday afternoon and planed to stay in a hotel since the hospital is 2 hours away.  At the hospital my blood pressure was even higher than it had been, but the doctor seemed not too worried, especially when we said we were staying in town anyway.  We went to the hotel and watched TV (and decided we haven't been missing much since getting rid of TV).  We went out to a little mom and pop place for dinner.  The owner found out I was to deliver the next day and told Devon to come back for a celebration dinner on the house.  Anyway, we went to bed but I really didn't sleep, too nervous for the next day I guess.  At about 3am our phone rang- that was weird.  The hospital was calling and apparently our doctor had a very strong impression that I should come into the hospital then instead of later, so we went.  I so grateful to have a doctor that would listen to the spirit and follow it, even though he didn't know why.  They actually called all of the hotels in Monticello because I was mistaken about the one we actually had reservations for.  Nothing happened, but he did have me start an IV with medicine for pre-eclamsia to prevent seizures  (I am glad I didn't know that's what eclamsia really is).  Besides taking forever to get the IV's in everything went smoothly.  They delivered at the scheduled time, 7:30, well actually 7:47.  One thing that was odd was that they put the spinal block in when I was sitting up, I have never done that before, but it worked.  They gave me some great medicine after the block wore off so I didn't feel anything the first day.  Really the recovery has been pretty good, still painful but good all things considered.  At first I thought "This is the way to go", I didn't have any traumatic labor, I was only in the hospital 4 hours before I had a baby.  Now I am pretty sick of recovering and wish I felt better, but I guess you can't have everything.  We do have the most important thing.  Carrie was born healthy and only 5lb 11oz.  She is very tiny, but very sweet.  She spent about 30 minutes in the incubator- but that's the only extra.  We are so lucky to have her sweet spirit in our home.  The boys love her, and she has here daddy wrapped around her little finger already.  she's not much of one for sleeping at night, but she's worth it.

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