Friday, September 7, 2012

Visit to Denton

So it has been a very long time, we have a lot to catch up on. We celebrated James' birthday in Texas, but he opened one present at home, a James engine that talks and goes on it's own with a track. He has loved it.
We stuck with the train theme and made a train cake with cousins.  Everyone got to decorate their own car, there were some pretty create cars.

This is the finished product.  The engine is orange because James has decided that that is his favorite color.
James loved opening more presents, this boys loves anything with wheels!
He carried this Captin America around all night.  I didn't notice when I bought it that it had no on and off switch- so it was hidden for the rest of the trip.
Here are all the cousins, birthdays are so fun when you have people to share them.
We also got to set off rockets with Ben's rocket launcher- the boys loved it!
The best part was running to get the rocket everytime.
We got to do some other fun stuff in Denton too, like see some long-horned cattle
Devon, Spencer and Grandpa went to a Rangers game. I wasn't sure Spencer would like it, but he still talks about it all the time, he loved it.
We also did a lot of swimming, garage saling (Spencer got a new bike and I got to go to my first estate sale) and visiting my favorite Braum's ice cream. It was so fun to see family and relax. Poor Devon had to take classes, but he still got to join in most of the fun.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Super fun! I love that you take lots of pictures; it's almost like being there. Almost. :)