Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas Eve

We had our first Christmas just our family this year. We had a wonderful holiday.
Our friends the Whitaker's who moved this year from Monument Valley to Monticello came to spend Christmas eve with us. We were so glad they could come.
First we played traditional Bingo- but not Gosney cut-throat bingo. Everyone got a prize and no one traded or stole. It was fun.
Then we had dinner. My new tradition is to buy cute Christmas paper plates for Christmas Eve- less mess, more family time ($ store).
After dinner we decorated gingerbread cookies and then our neighbor brought over a real homemade gingerbread house to decorate, the kids loved it. We actually ended up with two gingerbread houses, which was really fun. But after a week of candy the Gingerbread Fairy came on New Year's Ever to use the houses for runaway gingerbread men- and leave 4 nickels.

This house was amazing. It didn't even threaten to fall over!
Last we did a nativity with the puppets that my mom made last year. It was actually pretty successful.

Somehow e missed pictures of opening Christmas Eve PJ's from Grandma because we were Skyping Devon' parents at the time as they opened their present from all their kids- a shotgun.
We had a great Christmas Eve- it's my favorite day of the yer. We even got to sled on the skiff of snow that was left here in MV- and that was only in the shade- but it worked!

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