Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas Day

We had a wonderful Christmas. the boys were so excited- especially Spencer. Here is the video of them coming into the living room on Christmas morning.

They both got a little wind up train and a rechargable flashlight in their stocking. i am excited for those because Spencer always wants to play camping and ends up leaving the flashlight on.

Santa brought both of the boys a play kitchen for Christmas. That was Spencer's request. It took Santa's elves more than 2 hours to put it together- but it is a great size and has been really fun.

After seeing a Dora kitchen on TV Spencer said he wanted a Spiderman kitchen. Elf Elizabeth saved the day by sending some Spiderman stickers to decorate the kitchen with.
James loves the kitchen too. We have eaten a lot of plastic "feasts" lately!
We just did Santa stuff before church. It was nice to spread the fun out. We had a breakfast at church after a short Sacrament Meeting, it was really nice.
When we got home I had the boys open their presents from Grandma Coombs first so they could change clothes.
They love their fuzzy sweatshirts!
Between present opening (since we took turns) James went back and played with the kitchen, he wasn't too interested in other people's presents.
Devon gave me this cute sign and lots of other stuff.
You see that dinosaur thing next to Spencer? Kelsey found it on super-clearance. Spencer loves it. It's kind of animatronic, so it snaps at you and flaps and freaks James out- but Spencer thinks it's great.

My grandma crocheted hats for the boys- they fit perfect!
Devon is the picture taker, so this in the only picture of him, wearing Spencer's hat and the Coke shirt I got him.
We got some fun dot paints from Emilee that we have uses about 10 times already.
These pictures are all out of order, but James loved his new airplane and cars. This boy can never get enough cars.
The rest of the day was great and relaxing. We watched movies and layed around. Our neighbor invited us for dinner, so i should say it was relaxing until Spencer broke her snow globe, good thing he got some money for Christmas to buy a new one. It really was a wonderful Christmas.

1 comment:

Deon Christensen said...

I love hearing James' little voice. It is sooooo cute.