Sunday, May 8, 2011

Scottsdale Conference

In the end of April Devon went to a conference in Scottsdale. The boys and I went along for the free vacation. We stayed in a nice hotel suite- so we didn't even have to sleep in the same room as our kids. Their breakfast was cooked to order- kind of cafeteria style- but amazing compared to the normal doughnut and muffin affairs at the cheap hotels we stay at. Also, there were 2 pools, and hot temperatures, so we went swimming twice a day.
My friend also came with her kids. We went to this train park. Here we are riding on the little train.
They also had a carousel. James was not too sure about this- I guess he's not ready for Disneyland yet!

There were some fun playgrounds there too. I thought these misting things were neat-I wish we had some of those in the heat of summer, and it was the heat of summer. Close to 100.
The first night we tried to go to a Diners, Drive-in's and Dives place, but the freeway was closed for like 5 miles, and our GPS had the same idea as everyone else to get around it, so after a few hours of driving around we settled for Mimi's- the kids probably liked that more anyway- free bread and cheerios!
The next night though we did go to a triple D place. It was called Guseppi's. A little classy for 5 kids (ours and our friends) but we ate outside. Devon got a meatball sandwich. It was like a loaf of french bread! The meatballs were delicious.
Julie got the meal actually featured on the show- huge also, but she said it was good.
I got homemade pasta- soooo yummy!
Spencer, as usual, tried some new and crazy food. We got some brushetta which I like, but I didn't choose so well on the toppings. Spencer loved the chicken liver and blue cheese ones- yuck!

The boys getting ready for swimming. Spencer loved these goggles, but they left a mark for a few hours!
We had a great vacation! Oh yeah, and Devon learned a lot too!

1 comment:

The Clifts said...

I love all the wierd things Spencer eats. I wish my kids were mmore adventurous eaters. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.