Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Long time

So it has been a long time since I posted. Our internet has been down for what seems like forever, about 2 months with a 2 day working spurt when I last posted. Anyway, I am posting this from the library, but that is a big pain since I don't want to load my pictures on the library computer. Someday the internet will work again, or we will just buck up and pay for it (since it's the school's free internet that is down), but until then here are some cute pictures of the boys we took on Sunday. They are growing like crazy!


The Clifts said...

They just keep getting cuter and cuter. I love them so much! I love their blond blond hair.

Carrie Gosney said...

I would have to say "ditto" to Kelsey's comment. Maybe I would just add that they are as handsome as their father. And they do look so grownup.

Elizabeth said...

I love Spencer's face in the first one. I don't know who it reminds me of, but someone in our family. Those are some cute boys you got there. They look so different from each other, but you can still tell they're brothers.