Sunday, October 31, 2010


We painted our Halloween pumpkins this year since the boys chose really tiny ones. This is James' first experience with paint. He thought it tasted pretty good.
This isn't the best picture of Spencer, but he loved painting the pumpkins.
Spencer wanted to be a green monster for Halloween. He always helps me be creative. I think he looks like a cross between a Dr. Seuss character and a viking, but he thinks he looks like a green monster, and that is what counts.
I was Little Red Riding Hood, and James was Curious George. He loves George just like Spencer. He always points to the TV and says "Jo." his costume lasted about 10 minutes because he had a fever and it was hot- but it was cute for a few minutes!
These are creepy Jack-o-lantern pictures. Spencer was pretty sure they were real. Actually, when the fire alarm went off in the school he thought it was these screaming. Such an imagination!
Here's the whole family on trick-or-treating night. Devon is a "space cowboy" but you can see his buzz lightyear gun.
We had a busy week with a library party on Thursday, a carnival on Friday and trick or treating on Saturday. The party went well, by far the best attendance at a library event. It has been fu to get to know other people in the community through the library.
Devon put together a ring toss for the carnival. He was very excited about it, and it went really well. There was a line most of the night, and he made pretty good money.
Now Halloween is over, on to Christmas!

1 comment:

Gabe and Anna Family said...

Spencer does have a great imagination, and I love his green monster costume.