Saturday, March 6, 2010

Disney movie quotes

So Spencer's two favorite movies are "Robin Hood" and "101 Dalmatians." He is always quoting them. See if you can figure out what he is quoting here.

He says "Oh, so gracious!" Like Robin Hood does when he is dressed as a fortune teller and kisses Prince John's hand. Spencer even pretends to take a ring off like Robin Hood does.
His favorite line from 101 Dalmatians is "I'm hungry momma, really I am!" I don't know if he is going through a growth spurt, or he just likes saying it. The other day we were driving and Spencer saw a red car, he said "There's Cruella's car!" What would we do without movies?!


The Clifts said...

Oh! I hope you can come visit soon. I miss you guys so much! He just cracks me up!

Elizabeth said...

That's hilarious! He has the exact inflection and everything.