Sunday, October 11, 2009

Family Journal Entries

A few funny things Spencer did today that I want to remember
This morning after Devon got James dressed in his Sunday clothes I said "Oh, you're such a handsome boy!" Not to be outdone Spencer said "I'm a handsome boy too!" I said "Yes you are, and after you eat I will get you in your handsome clothes." Spencer said "You are handsome mommy." "Girls aren't handsome, they are beautiful." I clarified. "You are a princess at church mommy!" He's a pretty smart kid to know his mom is a princess.
During Sacrament Meeting just before the closing song, Spencer was drawing. As soon as the music started for the closing song he quickly gave his paper and pen to Devon and stood up and started dancing. Devon and I could not stop laughing- I guess it was just a very moving song! We had never sung the hymn before, and now we can't remember what it was, but it was pretty funny!

1 comment:

The Clifts said...

That's funny because Aurora started dancing in the aisle during the rest hymn on Sunday. I guess it was just one of those Sundays. :)