Wednesday, October 11, 2017


 Before we moved I wanted to get family pictures once more at the famous MV picture spot.  It was windy as usual.
 James turned 8 in the end of June.  We moved in the middle of June so this is in the new house.

 Devon had a conference in Provo in June so we tagged along for the free hotel room.  It was relaxing and fun- which usually isn't true of 4 kids in a hotel room but they were really good.  We went to the Bean Museum, always a favorite.
 Also the Cougar bookstore
 And ate ice cream at the Cougar Eat.  Leah LOVES ice cream, I don't know why she is making this face!

 We took all the kids to a place where they cook in front of you for their birthdays.  It was pricey but I think they enjoyed it.

   Spencer Singer giving Carrie a ride. 
 This makes me miss MV.  I miss the rainbows.
 Last trip to the close little sand dune.
 Oh my aching back!  The girls had to be like daddy with back braces one day while I was a work and Devon was home.
 James still loves to climb the walls
 Leah loves peanut butte, and Carrie refuses to sit next to her when she is eating peanut butter.  Carrie is allergic to peanuts so she hates the smell.
 Carrie with our first apricot- maybe the best part of our new house.
 James building the muscles.  The carpet in our new house is the same as the carpet in our old house, so it's hard to tell but I think these are from the new house.
 Leah on the old doorbell phone.
 James loves to dance, he always asks for dance parties.
A praying mantis.  Lots of bugs here.  The earwigs are horrible, we caught a whole tuna can full (just put a little oil in the bottom, they crawl right in).  Apparently we need more praying mantises to eat the bad bugs.

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