Thursday, September 10, 2015

Baby Leah

 Leah Diana Gosney was born August 24, 2015 at 8:03 am.  She was delivered via c-section a few weeks early because my blood pressure was high.  Devon got to see her delivered and I got to hold her in the operating room instead of her being whisked away right after.  The surgery people were really great, especially the anethegiologist who made sure we got to ineract with Leah right after she was born.  There were 2 medical students there, so I got a little more play by play than I really wanted to know, but beyond taking 2 hours and many bruises to get my IV's in everything went really smoothly.  Initial recovery was a little harder, I was not even able to get up the firstday, but I blame that on being one day over 35.
She is beautiful.  The kids can't stop talking about how cute she is.  She is also super calm and barely moves in her sleep- and she sleeps a lot, so we are enjoying this stage.  we called her "Baby Peace" before she was born because she was making a peace sign in her ultra sound, and the name still really fits because she is such a peaceful baby.
 I thought she would be small since she was 2 weeks early, so the only girly clothes I brought to the hospital were too small.  She's too pretty to be a boy.

 It was so great to have my mom here for 2 weeks, especially when James and I got a strep type infection and I had major anxiety about Leah getting it.  We are all better now though.

 This is my favorite picture of her so far, just calmly observing the world.

We love you baby Leah


Mackenzie said...

What a beautiful baby girl! Congratulations.

Elizabeth said...

These photos are all so great! I'm excited to meet her. :) Also, I'm glad everything went well (minus the IV. Yikes!)

All of us, but mostly Heidi said...

All your kids are just adorable!