Tuesday, May 5, 2015


 The week after spring break we were lucky enough to have Kelsey and Grandma and Kelsey's kids come visit us.  We don't get to see these cousins too often, and they have not visited us since they were babies, so we packed a lot of fun in.  One day we hiked tear drop.  One of our neighbors was nice enough to let us borrow her 4 wheel drive car so we could get our whole crew up there. 
 The cousins were a little nervous about the hieghts and hiking, but they really did great.  Sometimes I wish my kids would feel a little caution.  We climbed into the ruins- well everyone but me, my baby dind't like that plan.
 Benton loved the sand here,  he laid down on it whenever he found a soft patch, it was pretty funny.
 The braver crew went clear up to the top of the rocks using the toe holds and braving more heights.

 These kids were troopers, we packed so much in that we did two hikes on one day, they did awesome.

1 comment:

Carrie Gosney said...

Such bravery. So much fun to watch the cousins be together.