Monday, March 24, 2014

Carrie's Birthday

Happy first birthday Carrie!
Spencer made Carrie some gifts, this one is a sheep.  He worked very hard on them, he is a great brother!

Carrie got a Little People Doll house, 2 new outfits and blocks.  Spencer played with the blocks all day and James played with the house, so Carrie got to wear the new clothes. 
Licking the cupcake spoon

These taste pretty good.  She didn't go crazy with her cake or anything, just ate some of it in a lady-like fashion
We forgot about the birthday hats, so we wore them when we ate leftover cupcakes the next day.

We love you Carrie Boo!

1 comment:

Carrie Gosney said...

It can't be! Carrie is one. Why, it seems like only yesterday...