Friday, April 27, 2012

We love to go down to the football field and play. They have lots of big tires that they use for football practice- some are small enough for the boys to roll. This is a classic James face.

Some tires are very big.  These are our neighbors Daniel and Samantha
I just had to post this picture
James and Spencer love putting on puppet shows- they just haven't come to an understanding of the fact that you are supposed to perform for an audience, not each other.
When we move from here my kids will have to learn new library manners
James is starting to wear underwear- and not just on his head.
Spencer found this huge moth yesterday
A few weeks ago a photo company that does photos with wild animals came to Monument Valley.  they brought a few animals to show the kids for an assembly.  The grizzly cub was so cute (from a distance)

The cougar was beautiful (also from a distance)

So that's pretty much catching up on our life- or at least on our photos.

1 comment:

Gabe and Anna Family said...

Wow, I didn't realize how big the cyst was since I've only seem him post surgery... I agree with you about bugs staying outside of the house, otherwise they get to meet the mystical vacuum hose that sends them far far away (because we have a central vacuum system).