Monday, October 24, 2011

Monument Valley Chapel Groundbreaking

There is a new chapel being built here in Monument Valley. We are very excited. Right now we go to church in Mexican Hat which is about 20 miles away, it will be so nice to have a church here. They had a ground breaking ceremony at the beginning of October. Ironically, they had already worked quite a bit on the foundation, and this is not really by the foundation, but it's the idea, right?
In case you didn't know Devon is in the branch presidency now, so he got to sit on the stand for this (and every sacrament meeting). I am glad that I only have 2 kids to sit with by myself- and thankfully a lot of nice people who help when needed.
Devon is the 4th from the left- right next to the empty shovel.

Spencer said his favorite parts were the digging and the treats.

I will take about 6 months, but we are so excited to have a chapel here!


The Clifts said...

That is so cool! Supposedly they are supposed to break ground for a new church building about 1/4 mile from us by the end of the year.

Carrie Gosney said...

How wonderful. It's great that you all are able to be a part of it.