Sunday, September 11, 2011

Round 2

Spencer is so creative. He made this card for me during naptime. Do you like how he spelled "Mommy" (Moe). He is getting pretty good at writing.
James loves to play in the puddles, thankfully we've had a lot of rain.
Daddy and James. The boys have loved having daddy to themselves during library time again!
Spencer monster
More Spencer artwork
This has been the year of rainbows. I have never seen so many rainbows!

I have been waking up to go walking in the morning, and this is what it looks like. It's not so hard to get up early when you are greeted by this!
James has learned a lot of animal sounds, and his voice is so cute!

Spencer loves to ride his bike. Often he just rides around and around in circles. Devon did the same thing on a scooter when he was little.


Elizabeth said...

Ah man, I love all these videos! Your boys are hilarious. For some reason the one of Spencer on his bike was way funny; something to do with his legs going so fast or the potential of him biffing it was cracking me up! :o)

The Clifts said...

I was laughing so hard at the bike one. His legs were going so fast. What fun! I am so excited for the weather to be cooler here so we can go out and play again.

Carrie Gosney said...

Beautiful scenery for your morning walks. Spencer looks so tall. I love James' animal sounds.