Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dinosaurs at the Hogle Zoo

We just got back from our first 2 week vacation of the summer. We went a day earlier then planned because the Hogle Zoo has a new attraction- animatronic dinosaurs! Here is Spencer with his map ready to lead us around.
Anna is peeking through prairie dog hole.
James fell asleep like this, with a cookie in hand and his legs up- it was pretty cute.
Spencer and the T-rex!

Spencer was quite sure that these dinosaurs were real. Actually he gets pretty upset when anyone mentions that dinosaurs are extinct, they are too cool to not be around anymore. Another thing that he insists on is that all duck-billed dinos are called a "horn-saurus." We love this boy!

James loves to growl- so he loves to play with anything that should growl, and anything that Spencer plays with.

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