Friday, August 27, 2010

Spencer has an amazing imagination. After using Elizabeth's camera he insisted that we make one for him out of paper. He spent a lot of time snapping pictures and looking at the screen on the back to check them out. He would even print them out for you.
The other day he was watching Backyardagins and they were using a metal detector. After I figured out how to make one he found a lot of gold and money all over the complex.
The great part about those things was that he really thought they were real, and he was totally satisfied with the paper version. Not so with the roller skates. After insisting for about 1 hour that I could not make roller skates (like he had seen on George) I finally cut out some paper circles and taped them on his shoes in hopes that that would satisfy him. I think he was quite surprised that they didn't actually work. He said "Well, they will work on the ramp." No luck there either. He finally tried his "Abra-cadabra wand" but even that would not make those paper wheels turn. He usually asks me to make roller skates about once a day now, until today when his friend brought out roller blades. He tried them, and since then has been asking all of the other teachers "Excuse me, do you know how to make roller skates?" At least he doesn't give up easily- or ever.
I do love to see him play though. He is always imagining something huge and wonderful. A few days ago we made a movie studio in his room with a flashlight and toy dinosaurs. Maybe he will be an inventor when he grows up!

1 comment:

Gabe and Anna Family said...

Persistence is a good quality, that is when the mother has the patience to "enjoy" it. Mason still talks about Spencer and asks to play with his "duzins" all the time.