Friday, November 13, 2009

My Grandpa

My Grandpa passed away this morning. I will miss him so much. I think that I am the most sad that my kids won't grow up knowing him. I guess it's my job to be a little more like him so they can learn the great things he taught me. He always made people feel welcome and important. He really did remember everyone's name. He always smiled and told silly jokes. I remember him telling stories to us and playing the guitar and singing songs when we were kids. In elementary school he came up to Idaho every year to play for our school classes, and when I started teaching he played for each of my classes at least once. He always made my classes laugh. I know he is in a better place with people that he hasn't seen for a long time. I'm sure they are glad to have him, but we will surely miss him. I am so grateful to have the gospel at this time, it will be wonderful to see him again some day.


Tiffany said...

Sorry for your loss. He was soo cute with the kids! I'm sure he'll be missed.

Mackenzie said...

Sorry to hear about your Grandpa's passing.

Deon Christensen said...

I am so sorry about your grandpa. I bet it was hard. I am glad you have such happy thoughts of him.